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Authors' Registration: Unlocked

Authors will be invited to join The X-Gates and create their own profile, including a short video presentation of themselves and their work.


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Staff TXG

Send your articles, essays, or studies to

Our Contents Team will evaluate it for publication within 15 business days and contact you.

If your work is approved for publication, our Graphic Design Team will create a cover representing the essence of the submitted writing.
Before publishing the work, the Author will be given the option to submit one promotional video about his/her background, studies, interests, etc. The video will be uploaded under the VIDEOS Section prior to releasing the approved work.

Any videos submitted by the Author other than the promotional video and related to the contents of his/her approved works will be screened by the Contents Team and, if approved, uploaded under the Author's page.

21/02/2020 18:50:42
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One Door, Many Keys
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